問BIO 2005 CE MC Q.1 , Q.4
問BIO 2005 CE MC Q.1 , Q.4 可唔可以解釋下個答案問黎?
1. The answer is D. For A, catalase will not be denatured at low temperature. In low temperature, they will be inactive, but their activities can be recovered when heat is provided. For B, oxygen is more soluble in higher temperature. For C, at higher temperature, the number of active sites are the same. So, for D, this is true. When temperature is higher, then the molecules will have more kinetic energy, and they will collide with the substrate and reaction occurs. 4. The answer is B. Note that A, fat is a good insulator of heat. This is the consequence for hunting the food, not the reason to hunt the food. For B, this is true. Because they hunt the food which is rich is fat, then they eat them. For C, also, this is only a fact, but not the reason. For D, their alimentary systems have not be modified.