我今年已經三十歲, 會考得一分, 出嚟做野都係冇關法律既. 咁讀唔讀到? 我都知我要先讀預備班, 但係應該讀咩呢? 希望有人可以幫幫我解答啦. 多謝
以下係有關簡介 Diploma in Legal Studies (2年Part Time) 第一年合格咗立住張cert先, 完成埋第二年就攞埋文憑, 可於五年內完成 University of London LL.B. (3年Part Time)+P.C.LL Conversion exams P.C.LL (2年Part Time) 加埋兩年實習, 就可以做律師啦 全部合格, 加埋都要九年咖.
2年C.P.E. 》1年PCLL 》2年實習 》律師C.P.E. of England and Wales 英國法律專業共同試課程 http://hkuspace.hku.hk/web_course/show_course.php?code=1528&page_code=2596&seq=9&no_of_course=20&start=0&parent_seq=&col=&sort=ASC&keyword= There are 8 subjects, taken over 2 years of part-time study The course should appeal, primarily, to those who seek an affordable route to PCLL progression. Entry Requirements ... or, have a qualification considered equivalent to a degree ; or be mature applicants with a suitable background 或者任職於律師行 法律深造文憑課程 Postgraduate certificate in laws 簡稱 PCLL http://www.hku.hk/pcll/fulltime/index.html The full-time PCLL programme is normally completed over a period of one year commencing from September every year and ending in June in the following year. http://www.peak.vtc.edu.hk/Peak/zh/html/programdetail/1018/1.html 遊戲設計及製作專業文憑 (CEF-Approved) 時數: 210 小時 開課日期: 20 Oct 2010 完成專業文憑課程之學員可報讀英國Coventry University BSc (Hons) Creative Technologies最後一年課程課堂資訊 http://www.peak.vtc.edu.hk/Peak/zh/html/programdetail/1018/8.html 日期: 20 Oct 2010 - 28 Jul 2011 時間: 20/10/10 - 4/1/11 (every Tue & Wed), 20 lessons, 60 hrs 11/1/11 - 28/7/11 (every Tue & Thu), 50 lessons, 150 hrs 6:30pm - 9:30pm http://www.peak.vtc.edu.hk/Peak/en/html/programdetail/1018/2.html Who Should Attend 擁有基本電腦使用知識,對電腦遊戲有興趣,,或有興趣遊戲設計,或有志投身遊戲行業人仕。 (即是人人都讀得. )http://www.peak.vtc.edu.hk/Peak/en/html/programdetail/675.html This 14-month part-time top-up programme to BSc (Hons) Creative Technology is jointly offered by PEAK of VTC and the Coventry University of UK (http://www.coventry.ac.uk). Coventry University 泰晤士報[英]大學排名 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/education/good_university_guide/article2124813.ece Good University Guide : Coventry University 可參考http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7009121100938學位2年 》 2年C.P.E. 》1年PCLL 》2年實習 》律師 = 7年 3 3 4 之下大學都要4年, 由學位到取得PCLL只需5年 , 完成課程後一定要2年實習是無得走雞. 7年是最快. 請參考 http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7010021701076祝你/妳好運