



急!問phys 06年MC pastpaper-mechanics


06 MC Q3fig請見最下方A marble released from the top of a smooth rail A as shown as above. He repeats the same process by usingsmooth rail B.Which statements is/are correct?(1)The marble has the same velocity when it reaches the end of both rails.(2)The marble has the same KE when it reaches the end of both... 顯示更多 06 MC Q3 fig請見最下方 A marble released from the top of a smooth rail A as shown as above. He repeats the same process by usingsmooth rail B. Which statements is/are correct? (1)The marble has the same velocity when it reaches the end of both rails. (2)The marble has the same KE when it reaches the end of both rails. (3) It taken the same time to travel along both rails. [Ans:B,(2)only] (1)錯? KE一樣,點解velocity唔一樣? 更新: http://us.a2.yahoofs.com/users/45dd9946z65c48982/3bf5scd/__sr_/1801scd.jpg?phoKa3FBGNzmrfcN


我用中文ga,希望你明la!! 同位釋放,相同位置,相同VELOCITY!! 因為佢兩條軌道ge方向唔同,所以個VELOCITY都唔同!!


我用英文幫你解答.. by KE=1/2mv 2 ,the marble has the same speed when it reaches the ends of both rails. However, it does not have the same velocity, since the direction of motions when the marble reaches the end of the rail in the cases are different.

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