


The different between the present ages of Mr.Chanand and his son is 32.6 years later,their total age will be 50 .How old is Mr.Chan's son now? 更新: The different between the present ages of Mr.Chan and his son is 32.6 years later,their total age will be 50 .How old is Mr.Chan's son now? (answer is 3,I need formelar)





Method 1 ---------- elimination Let the age of Mr.Chan and his son 's ages be x and y respectively x + y = 50 ------ (1) x - y = 32.6 ------ (2) (1) - (2), (x + y) - (x - y) = 50 - 32.6 2y = 17.4 y = 8.7 Therefore, Mr.Chan's son is 8.7 years old now. There is another method to calculate this question Method 2 ---------- substitution Let the age of Mr.Chan and his son 's ages be x and y respectively x + y = 50 ------ (1) x = 32.6 + y ------ (2) Sub (2) into (1), 32.6 +y +y = 50 2y = 50-32.6 y = 8.7 Therefore, Mr.Chan's son is 8.7 years old now. You can ask me if you have any questions~ =] Hope these can help you~


上面既朋友計錯數...... 你英文數數,咁我就用英文答你la~~~ Assume the present ages of Mr.Chanand is 'X' and his son is 'Y' Then, we get: X-Y=32..........................(1) (X+6)+(Y+6)=50..............(2) From(1), X=32+Y...................(3) Sub.(3)into(2), we get(32+Y+6)+(Y+6)=50 2Y+44=50 2Y=6 Y=3 Therefore, Mr.Chan's son is 3 years old now. 2008-02-16 15:57:49 補充: 我講緊既係第一位朋友^^ 2008-02-16 16:02:56 補充: Remark:Sub. = Substitute = 代.......入e.g.Sub.(3)into(2), 意思姐係代第(3)條式入去第二條式(2)度p.s.希望幫到你la~~~ 2008-02-16 16:06:34 補充: 仲有一樣野,我諗你個題目d字個位打得唔好,所以有人答左8.7(其實代番入去盲知道錯la)我諗你果條題目應該係咁:The different between the present ages of Mr.Chanand and his son is 32.6 years later,their total age will be 50 .How old is Mr.Chan's son now?|||||[(50-6*2)-32]/2 =[(50-12)-32]/2 =(38-32)/2 =6/2 =3|||||8.7 years old don't ask me why

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